The driving force behind this new building was the expanding academic needs of Boston College. Theology, Philosophy, History, English, Classical Studies, Pulse Program, ANS Honors Program and the Academic Advising Center, along with support services for first year students are housed in this new facility. Servicing over 1100 students, this project is the largest single academic building to be constructed on campus since the university’s earliest building, Gasson Hall.
Gothic style
A second important factor in the shaping of the Stokes project was the matter of designing it in the Gothic style. The style of the building is strongly tied to identity of the university.
Both the program and the style of the building were essential forces behind the design.
Project description
The project consists of two separate buildings. Named the North and the South Wings, they are placed at ninety degrees to one and other, in alignment with the surrounding campus buildings. This arrangement helps to form a new assemblage of well-defined open spaces; the formal campus quadrangle is to the east; an outdoor amphitheater to the west, and a central Link Garden placed between the two wings.
expanding academic needs of Boston College. Theology, Philosophy, History, English, Classical Studies, Pulse Program, ANS Honors Program and the Academic Advising Center, along with support services for first year students are housed in this new facility. Servicing over 1100 students, this project is the largest single academic building to be constructed on campus since the university’s earliest building, Gasson Hall.
Gothic style